




Actions performed at La Juan Gallery. Madrid (12/19/2015)


Duration: 90 min. (Two 45 min. parts)


Photographs: Cristina Gon



“Like his body, a man’s clothes must convey his transcendence and not attract attention; for him neither elegance nor beauty constitutes him as object; thus he does not usually consider his appearance a reflection of his being. By contrast, society even requires woman to make herself an erotic object.”


Simone de Beauvoir. The Second Sex



Forniphilia: paraphilia consisting in turning a person’s body into furniture.



Contemporary perception of the male body -especially in the homosexual imaginary- experiences a process of objetification similar to that historically suffered by women. Sexual appeal is determinant in our appreciation of the individuals.


I assume a traditionally feminine role for ninety minutes, in an out of context sexual practice that gives someone pleasure through the submission-domination of a person turned into furniture. My body -motionless and blindfolded- is at the service of the public in the room.



Performance (2015)